Legal Notices of Ahrens Enterprise und Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. | |
Company in Japan
Ahrens Enterprise, Ltd.
6-10-10- 102, Minami Magome Ota- Ku Tokyo 143- 0025 Japan E-Mail: wilhelm.ahrens{at}
Company in Germany
Wilhelm Ahrens E-Mail: fa.w.ahrens{at}
Authorized representatives:
Provider identification of Internet site Responsible for the content of this website is: Wilhelm Ahrens
Kiebitzbek 5 • Tel.: 49 431 2609 5697
Updating / Liability:
The company Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. / Ahrens Enterprise always tries to keep the data on this web site actual and correct. However, we are not able to guarantee or are liable for the relevance to the present, correctness or completeness of these information or data. Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. / Ahrens Enterprise is not liable for any damages or losses caused by usage of these data and information.
Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. / Ahrens Enterprisemay change any data and information at any time without pre- announcement. Contract condition:
Please see "Business Development Tokyo Contract condition".
The layout, graphics and content are copyright. These pages may be copied only for private usage. The content should not be modified, distributed or used in public. The distribution of information or data, special text, parts of text or pictures must be allowed by Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. / Ahrens Enterrpise.